Monday, August 28, 2006

Create Web Pages W3C Style

You want to create web pages? If you are not targeting a specific browser then you may want to make sure that your pages validate according to W3C. The validators are located at:
HTML validator:
CSS validator:

You can add those links to your page (if it is available on the Internet) to do an automatic validation of your page:

If the validation passes, W3C gives you some logos that you can add on your page.
Why is it important? If you pages pass W3C validation that means:

  • The page is written in portable HTML and/or CSS which works on most browsers

  • Putting the W3C logos on your valid page is a marker of quality

  • You look smart ;)

OK, I'm joking with the last one, but there are other benefits too, I let you discover them.
One more... using those validators you can find some very obscure but small mistakes so you can correct them.

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